Groups and Ministries

Community Groups

We currently have two groups: North Portland Metro and South Portland Metro. Groups meet weekly or every other week for a shared meal and Evening Prayer. If you are interested in joining a group, please email

Monthly Potlucks or Feasts

Each month All Souls has a shared meal after Liturgy, whether a potluck or a catered feast connected to an event in the church calendar. These are joyful times of table fellowship and community-building.

Men’s Nights

The men of All Souls get together on the last Saturday evening of every month. If you are interested in joining, see the Newsletter or email for more information.

St. Tabitha's Fiber Arts Guild

The guild gathers on the second Thursday of each month for a time of fellowship and crafting prayer scarves or shawls to give away. Don't know how to knit or crochet? Someone in the guild would be happy to teach you! If you are interested in joining, see the Newsletter or email for more information.

Music Team Potlucks

The music team at All Souls meets for a meal and practice every month or two months. See the Newsletter for details. If you are musically inclined and are interested in joining the music team, please email for more information.

Christian Classics Reading Circle

This group meets once every other month to discuss literary classics that speak to Christian faith. Past reads include Paradise Lost (excerpts), The Great Divorce, and Dante's Divine Comedy (all three books). The pattern is to alternate readings between older, more challenging works and newer, more accessible ones. If you are interested in participating, please email

Feet First Clinic

All Souls Anglican teams with St. Michael's Lutheran to offer a free foot care clinic for diabetics on the second Saturday of each month. Help is needed with administration and nurse care. If you would be interested in helping with the clinic, please email for more information.